
3 Laser Treatments to Help You Glow Up This Year

By Rachel Naud


Aging is weird. Sometimes, how we feel on the inside doesn’t reflect back to us when we look in the mirror. While inside, I felt like a vibrant, youthful woman full of life and vigour, when I looked in the mirror, all I saw was tired-looking dull skin. As a woman in my 40s, I don’t expect to look the same as I did when I was 23. But I also want to look ¸— and feel — the best I can at any age. It was perfect timing when I was invited to a media event at MC Beauty in Toronto to learn about the MOXI laser. Marie, the owner of the clinic, walked me and other writers through the process and showed us inspiring before-and-after images, while also displaying the fast and effective procedure on a live model. (Check out my full MOXI journey belowor click here).



The MOXI laser was the second laser treatment by Sciton that I have tried and I wouldn’t hesitate to go for a third. The results you get from laser treatments are unparalleled. Thanks to the MOXI treatment, my skin is brighter, smoother and rejuvenated. If you want to put your best face forward in 2023, you may want to check out these treatments for yourself.


BBL HERO Laser Treatment

Looking for a way to rejuvenate your skin and treat various skin conditions? You might want to consider Sciton’s BBL HERO treatment.

Sciton’s BBL HERO uses BroadBand Light (BBL) technology to improve the appearance of the skin and treat various skin conditions. BBL HERO is considered the gold standard of light therapy. It’s also known for being the most robust and powerful broadband light available.

BBL Hero Laser Treatment

BBL HERO Laser Treatment

BBL HERO is suitable for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin and can treat a range of conditions including acne (active and associated discoloration), sun and age spots, freckles, cherry angiomas, rosacea, telangiectasia, uneven skin tone, general redness, and lax skin.

It only requires minimal downtime. After treatment, you can simply put on a little tinted sunscreen to hide the redness and go about your day.

BBL HERO is also a fast treatment, with the ability to treat an entire face in just four minutes. It is generally only necessary to undergo one or two treatments to see results, making it a convenient and effective option for improving the appearance of the skin.

It’s a reliable and effective way to treat various skin conditions and improve the appearance of the skin with minimal downtime. It’s definitely worth considering BBL HERO if you’re thinking about laser treatment to improve your skin’s health and appearance.


MOXI Laser Treatment

Sciton’s MOXI laser treatment is a non-ablative laser treatment that is designed to improve the tone and texture of the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and pores, tighten and brighten the skin, increase collagen and elastin, and address pigmentation issues. It is suitable for all skin types and ages and is a great option for active individuals looking to correct the initial signs of sun damage and aging and maintain a youthful appearance.

MOXI is a convenient and effective treatment with minimal downtime. It takes under 30 minutes and can be done at any time of the year, with little to no downtime. Patients can expect to see remarkable results in just one to two treatments.

After the MOXI treatment, your post-care regimen is simple. You just need to wear moisturizing sunscreen and stay out of the sun. You can also apply makeup 24 hours after the treatment.

It’s an excellent choice for busy individuals seeking to improve the tone and texture of their skin and address pigmentation issues. When it comes to improving your skin’s appearance and health, the MOXI laser treatment is worth considering.


HALO Laser Treatment

As we age, our skin can lose its radiance due to sun exposure and the natural aging process. HALO is a revolutionary laser skin treatment from Sciton that can help restore your youthful glow.

HALO Laser Treatment

HALO Laser Treatment

It’s the world’s first hybrid fractional laser, delivering both non-ablative and ablative wavelengths to the same treatment area. This means it can tackle a range of aging skin issues all at once, including texture, tone, and pigment. And the best part? It’s comfortable, customizable, and has minimal downtime. Perfect for the busy bee who wants to look and feel their best.

Say goodbye to dull, uneven skin and hello to a radiant, youthful glow with HALO.


If you’re feeling like your skin is lacking that youthful glow, 2023 is the time to consider Sciton’s laser treatments.

Ultimately, the best treatment for you will depend on your specific skin concerns and goals. Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate your skin with the BBL HERO, improve texture and tone with MOXI, or restore that youthful radiance with HALO, Sciton has a treatment option that will work for you. Take the first step towards achieving the skin you’ve always wanted. Check out more results at @sciton_inc or visit https://sciton.com/find-my-provider for more information and a complete list of Sciton systems.

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